Compositor / Online Editor コンポジター / オンラインエディター

Job Description 職務内容

* Compositing and online editing for TV-CM and PV projects utilizing FLAME, AE, etc. ・FLAMEやAE等を活用してのTV-CMやPV案件でのコンポジット、オンライン編集業務。

Qualification requirements 募集条件

* At least 3 years of experience in post-production using FLAME, AE, Photoshop, Illustrator, NUKE, etc. ・FLAME、AE、Photoshop、Illustrator、NUKE等のいずれかを使用してのポストプロダクション等で実務経験が3年以上ある方。

Salary / treatment 給与 / 待遇

Dependent on experience and skills. 経験・能力を考慮の上、決定。

A vacation 休暇

Five day work week (Saturdays and Sundays off).
Holidays: Public holidays and year-end/new-year holidays.
Additional leave system.

Application method 応募方法

Please send your resume, job history, portfolio, demo reel, etc. to the email address below.



Handling of personal information in relation to inquiries お問い合わせにかかる個人情報のお取り扱いについて

* The name and email address entered above are personal information.
* Entered personal information will only be used for responding to inquiries. It will not be entrusted or provided to any third party (contractor or other).
* Providing our company with your personal information is optional, but we will not be able to respond without it.
* We may not be able to respond to all inquiries depending on the content. We will delete all acquired personal information once inquiry handling has been completed.
* To request the disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of usage, etc. of personal information, please contact us by email by using the contact form.
* Regarding our handling of personal information, please look the "Personal Information Protection Policy" on the contact page.

CG designer CGデザイナー

Job Description 職務内容

* Responsible for creating CG video for use in TV commercials, promotional videos, exhibition videos, etc.
* Responsible for graphic production for VR technology and MR technology projects
(* Trial period)

Qualification requirements 募集条件

* Work experience with 3D tools such as Maya, 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, etc.
* Work experience using After Effects, NUKE, etc.

Salary / treatment 給与 / 待遇

Dependent on experience and skills. 経験・能力を考慮の上、決定。

A vacation 休暇

Five day work week (Saturdays and Sundays off).
Holidays: Public holidays and year-end/new-year holidays.
Additional leave system.

Application method 応募方法

Please send your resume, job history, portfolio, demo reel, etc. to the email address below.



Handling of personal information in relation to inquiries お問い合わせにかかる個人情報のお取り扱いについて

* The name and email address entered above are personal information.
* Entered personal information will only be used for responding to inquiries. It will not be entrusted or provided to any third party (contractor or other).
* Providing our company with your personal information is optional, but we will not be able to respond without it.
* We may not be able to respond to all inquiries depending on the content. We will delete all acquired personal information once inquiry handling has been completed.
* To request the disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of usage, etc. of personal information, please contact us by email by using the contact form.
* Regarding our handling of personal information, please look the "Personal Information Protection Policy" on the contact page.

CG Producer CGプロデューサー

仕事内容 仕事内容


応募資格 応募資格

短大・専門学校卒以上。CG制作で実務経験3年以上。 短大・専門学校卒以上。CG制作で実務経験3年以上。

雇用形態 雇用形態

正社員(試用期間1年、その後協議の上、正社員登用) / 契約社員 正社員(試用期間1年、その後協議の上、正社員登用) / 契約社員

給与および待遇 給与および待遇

経験・能力・人柄を考慮のうえ相談させていただきます 経験・能力・人柄を考慮のうえ相談させていただきます

採用予定人数 採用予定人数

若干名 若干名

休日・休暇 休日・休暇

完全週休2日制(土・日曜日)、祝日、年末年始 完全週休2日制(土・日曜日)、祝日、年末年始

応募方法 応募方法






Technical artist テクニカルアーティスト

Job Description 職務内容

* Real-time graphic video production
* Real-time output on Unity of models and animation created by animators using 3ds Max and Maya
* Development and design using real-time graphics
(* Trial period)
・3ds Max、Mayaでアニメーターが作成したモデル、アニメーション等をUnity上でリアルタイムで出力する

Qualification requirements 募集条件

Graduate from junior college, vocational college, or above
* Basic 3DCG, 2DCG, and computer knowledge
* Experience with the production of CG video, primarily in real time, using Unity, Unreal Engine, etc.
* Experience with shader development using languages such as HLSL, GLSL, Cg, etc.

Salary / treatment 給与 / 待遇

Dependent on experience and skills. 経験・能力を考慮の上、決定。

A vacation 休暇

Five day work week (Saturdays and Sundays off).
Holidays: Public holidays and year-end/new-year holidays.
Additional leave system.

Application method 応募方法

Please send your resume, job history, portfolio, demo reel, etc. to the email address below.



Handling of personal information in relation to inquiries お問い合わせにかかる個人情報のお取り扱いについて

* The name and email address entered above are personal information.
* Entered personal information will only be used for responding to inquiries. It will not be entrusted or provided to any third party (contractor or other).
* Providing our company with your personal information is optional, but we will not be able to respond without it.
* We may not be able to respond to all inquiries depending on the content. We will delete all acquired personal information once inquiry handling has been completed.
* To request the disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of usage, etc. of personal information, please contact us by email by using the contact form.
* Regarding our handling of personal information, please look the "Personal Information Protection Policy" on the contact page.